Industry acronyms and definitions

4FFSIM card Form Factor
APNAccess Point Name
ARMAdvanced RISC machine
BGPBorder Gateway Protocol
br-lanthe pseudo LAN after being bridged
Cat-M/NB IoTCategory M / Narrowband for the Internet of Things – cellular data connectivity
CFRCode of Federal Regulations
CIPCommon Industrial Protocol
COAPConstrained Application Protocol
CPUCentral Processing Unit
crontime based job scheduler in linux
Cron logthe log output of a cron process
CSACanadian Standards Association
DADistributed Automation
DAEDynamic Authorization Extensions to RADIUS
DCDirect Current
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DMVPNDynamic Multipoint VPN
DNP3Distributed Network Protocol 3
DNSDomain Name System
DSCPDifferentiated Services Code Point
EIGRPEnhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
eMMCEmbedded Multimedia Card
FCCFederal Communications Commission
FDDFrequency Division Duplex
FTLFlash Transition Layer
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GREGeneric Routing Encapsulation
GUIGraphical User Interface
i.MX6 ARMAdvanced RISC Machine based Processor
ICCIDA globally unique serial number for a SIM card
IEEEInstitute of Electical and Electronics Engineers
IGMPInternet Group Management Protocol
IMEIInternational Mobile Equipment Identity
IMSIInternational Mobile Subscriber Identity
IoTInternet of Things
IPInternet Protocol
IPSecInternet Protocol Security
IS-ISIntermediate System – Intermediate System
ISMIndustrial, Scientific & Medical (frequency band)
kbit/skilobits per second
LANLocal Area Network
LDPLabel Distribution Protocol
LEDLight Emitting Diode
LTELong Term Evolution (4G mobile communications standard)
LTE-CBRSLong Term Evolution – Citizens Broadband Radio Service
MACMedia Access Control
Mbpsmegabits per second
MIMOMultiple In Multiple Out
MODBUSthe de facto standard communications protocol for industrial electronic devices
mPCIeMini-PCI Express (expansion bus form factor)
MPLSMulti-protocol Label Switching
MSSMaximum Segment Size
MTDMemory Technology Device (linux device file for interacting with Flash technology)
mtdblocksA Linux abstract layer to emulate block device data structures on flash technology
MTUMaximum Transmission Unit
MWANMulti-Wide Area Network
NAS IDNetwork Access Server Identifier
NATNetwork Address Translation
OpenVPNAn Open Source VPN (Virtual Private Networking) implementation
OpenWRTAn embedded Linux distribution installed on a router
OPKGOpen Package management – for installing, upgrading & managing software applications in an embedded Linux environment
OSPFOpen Shortest Path First
PCPersonal Computer
PIDProduct ID
PLCProgrammable Logic Controller
QoSQuality of Service
RADIUSRemote Authentication Dial-In User Service
RAMRandom Access Memory
RFRadio Frequency
RIPv2Routing Information Protocol Version 2
RPLRouting Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks
RSRecommended Standard
RSRPReference Signal Received Power
RSRQReference Signal Received Quality
RSSIReceived Signal Strength Indicator
RTS/CTSRequest to Send / Clear to Send
RTURemote Terminal Unit
SIMSubscriber Identity Module
SINRSignal to Interference plus Noise Ratio
SISOSingle Input Single Output
SMASubminiature version A (connector)
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
SNMPDlinux SNMP agent (daemon)
SNRSignal to Noise Ratio
SSHSecure Shell
STPSpanning Tree Protocol
syslogthe system log
TCPTransmission Control Protocol
TFTPTrivial File Transfer Protocol
TIA TSB-88.4Telecommunications Industry Association Telecommunications Service Bulletin 88.4
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
ULUnderwriter’s Laboratory
VPNVirtual Private Network
WANWide Area Network
WiFiWireless networking protocol
WLANWireless LAN
WMMWifi Multimedia
WPA2Wireless Protected Access 2 (security)
WPA2-EAPWIreless Protected Access 2 – Extensible Authentication Protocol (security)
WPA2-PSKWireless Protected Access 2 – Protected Shared Key (security)
WPSWiFi Protected Setup
wwanWireless Wide Area Network
XORExclusive OR (logic)
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